Map Manipulation¶
Map(see full-size image)
The map view provides a spatial data summary, with data layers focusing on current conditions. The map navigation panel allows turning on useful background, data, and overlay layers in order to provide situational awareness and access to more detailed data. General map features include:
- Pan - To move the map, click and hold the left mouse button on the map and drag the map to a new location.
- Zoom - Operator's map has 20 different zoom levels. Zooming can be accomplished in 4 ways:
- double click on the map - zooming will occur using the clicked location as the centroid
- roll the mouse scroll wheel - zooming will occur using the cursor location
- click the + or - buttons in the upper right map corner
- to reset the map, click reset in the Quick zoom pulldown located in the upper right area of the Operator or click the home icon in the upper right map corner.
- Quick zoom - Each system can be configured to include zoom areas, whether that be basins, individual stations, etc. Those selections, if available, are located in the upper right area of the operator.
The following sections discuss map layers from background to top-most layers. Data Display layers are refreshed every 5 minutes. Overlay layers are configurable to refresh on a schedule, typically every 5 minutes. As described in the Getting Started section of this documentation, the source of overlay layers and data layers is specified in the configuration file which can be modified only by an administrator.
Map Background¶
Several background layers, located in the bottom-most section of the map navigation panel, are provided to facilitate data review. In addition to internet map layers including Google Satellite, Open Street Map, Esri, CartoDB, and Google Street, the Operator can display a local image or tiled images to ensure that a background map is available if internet access is lost. These local files must be developed individually for each Operator installation.
Additional map background layers can be enabled - contact the flood warning system administrator.
Data Display Layers¶
Data display layers provide access to NovaStar system data, which has been processed to integrate station, observation, statistics, and other data, for important data types such as precipitation, water level (stage) and flow (discharge).
A single data display layer can be viewed at a time in order to ensure a readable map. To view multiple data display layers, open multiple Operator interfaces. Data display layers show conditions relative to the current time, with the following constraints:
- The current time may be rounded to the nearest minute or two based on system configuration, to facilitate data processing.
- Precipitation totals are computed from the current time back in time, for the indicated interval.
- Stage (water level) and flow (discharge) are the most recent reported value in the past 24-hours.
- Current conditions reflect the fact that many stations may report only occasionally, and more frequently if a storm event is occurring.
Precipitation is unique in that the data interval can be specified through the pulldown menu just below the precipitation radio button. Precipitation is automatically activated when a data interval is selected.
Selecting a data display layer will cause the map to update and show markers whose color reflects the state of that station, i.e. from no activity (green) to flooding (red) as well as stations that are out of service or simply haven't reported. This is a direct reflection of the station's NovaScore. The NovaScore is a qualitative value used to categorize the status of conditions at a station for a specific data type. For example, precipitation status typically is associated with the amount of rain in a period of time, whereas the status for water level and flow are dependent on the instantaneous measurements. Display the map legend for more information about the definition of each NovaScore value.
In addition to using marker color to disseminate information about that status of a station, the markers also flash if an alarm condition is present.
In the navigation panel, below each data type is a series of colored rectangles with a number. This number represents the number of stations at each NovaScore value, as well as stations with no report, and stations out of service.
Hovering over a map marker will display the pertinant information for the station.
Searching the map for a particular station is accomplished by entering either a name or id into the search bar.
Search(see full-size image)
The corresponding stations will highlight in the map with a red circle and the map will zoom to display all highlighted stations. In the above example, "sloan" was entered so the map zoomed and highlighted "Upper Sloan Detention."
Overlay Layers¶
The overlay layers include data types other than NovaStar data, such as data from external sources. Multiple overlay layers can be displayed simultaneously, which is indicated by the checkboxes rather than radio buttons, regardless of which data display layer is active. Available layers are configurable and additional layers can be added by the system administrator. The following are samples of the types of overlay layers which can be included but any geojson point data, geojson polygon data, or kml point data can be displayed.
Cameras, when activated, display a camera icon on the map. Hovering the mouse over the camera icon displays the name of the camera location. Clicking on the icon displays the most recent picture taken from that camera and, if available, a link to the website associated with that camera.
Floodplain data is displayed in the color specified in the configuration file. The source of floodplain data is typically the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) which incorporates all Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) databases published by FEMA, Flood Insurance Studies (FISs), flood hazard analyses performed in support of the FISs and FIRMs, and new mapping data, where available. The primary risk classifications used are the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event, the 0.2-percent-annual-chance flood event, and areas of minimal flood risk. Floodplain boundaries from different sources can be formatted and displayed to provide content for flood levels.
Flood Impact¶
The Flood Impact layer will be enabled if the Flood Impact Tool has been implemented. The Flood Impact layer corresponds to assets listed in the Impact Summary view. If enabled for the system, the Flood Impact layer shows estimated flow at locations where streamflow is not measured. An upstream station is used to route flows to the asset. The flow is then compared with the asset capacity to determine a score, which is used to color the markers. Map markers for flood impact locations will be labeled with the asset capacity or flow at the asset based on the navigator menu panel selection.
National Weather Service radar data is displayed for the region. The most recent image is displayed and is updated every five minutes by default.
Weather Watches/Alerts¶
When activated, map markers and polygon extents of the watch/alert are displayed indicating a weather watch or warning for that location by the National Weather Service. When the map icon is clicked, the associated information is displayed. This data is updated according to the configuration file as well.