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Single Page Web Application

login screen

NovaStar Operator is a single page web application, meaning that all content is presented in one web page (one tab in a web browser). Interacting with the operator results in each data display being presented in the body of the web page. The Operator also supports mobile devices. Navigation controls allow switching between different views. If it is necessary to display more than one view at the same time, open multiple Operators in different web browser windows.

The NovaStar Operator interface has been designed with the goal of simplifying access in an intuitive interface to useful data and information for community emergency managers.

Expand/Collapse Menu

The expand/collapse arrow icon in the upper left controls whether the navigation menu panel is displayed.

menu icon

Click on the navigator expand/collapse icon to display the navigator menu panel as shown below.


The main Operator views (Map, Station Summary, Station Dashboard, Impact Summary, and My Dashboards) are indicated in the navigator menu panel. The Impact Summary is available for sytems that have implemented the Flood Impact Tool (contact TriLynx Systems for more information).

Once an item in the menu is selected, items pertaining to that menu item will fill in below the item. For example, when selecting map, map-specific items are displayed


User Settings

The User Settings menu is located in the upper right corner of NovaStar Operator.


Clicking on the users' icon displays a menu. The username is at the top, followed by Manage Users, Profile, Preferences, Server Connection, and an entry to logout from NovaStar Operator.

More Information

Links, located at the bottom left corner of NovaStar Operator, provide more information about the Operator and TriLynx.

  • Help links to this documentation.
  • About links to the About TriLynx webpage. Hovering over About displays the Operator version number.
  • Support is a link to the TriLynx Contact page.