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Technical Details

This layer uses point data from data web services to determine the color of a polygon. This is helpful, for example, to color a basin based on a single soil moisture station. Given a data type, statistic type, and duration, the output from data web services is searched to find either a statistical value or the novascore, depending on whether a range has been specified. That value is then assigned to the basin where the station is located.


The following parameters may be specified in the configuration file when defining a dataLayerGeojsonPolygonPoint layer.

Parameter Example Value Default Description
id "SoilMoisture" required Unique layer identifier. Used only for programming puposes and will not be seen by the user but MUST be unique.
basins ["map/overlay-layers/basins.geojson"] required Array of the basin filenames.
class "data-layer-geojson-polygon-point" required This specifies the class to use to display a data layer.
DWSType "FractionMU6Hour,Last,1Day" required This string represents the data type, statistic type, and duration of output to use from data web services.
fillOpacity "0.3" 0.3 Opacity of the polygon fill color.
label "Soil Moisture" required Label on menu checkbox.
popupTitle "NAME" none Basin attribute to use in the PopupInfo.
range [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] If not specified, the NovaScore of the point data is assigned to the polygon NovaScores are assigned for values up to the value specified so a NovaScore of 1 is assigned for values <= 0.2 for this example.
refresh false false Layers that have this set to true will be updated every 5 minutes, or whatever the system-wide refresh interval is set to.
stroke true false Whether to include the polygon outline.
weight 3 1 Thickness of the polygon perimeter.