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Technical Details

This class displays Web Map Service (WMS) format data layers. WMS is a standard protocol developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium in 1999 for serving georeferenced map images over the Internet. These images are typically produced by a map server from data provided by a GIS database.


The following parameters may be specified in the configuration file when defining a dataLayerWMS layer.

Parameter Example Value Default Description
id "floodLayer" required Unique layer identifier. Used only for programming puposes and will not be seen by the user but MUST be unique.
class "data-layer-wms" required Specifies the class to use to display a data layer.
label "FEMA Floodplain" required Label on menu checkbox.
legendUrl nfhl/services/public/NFHLWMS/MapServer/ WmsServer?request=GetLegendGraphic& version=1.3.0&format=image/png&layer=4 none Location of the legend.
refresh true false The data will be updated every 5 minutes, or whatever the system-wide refresh interval is set to.
url nfhl/services/public/NFHLWMS/ MapServer/WMSServer required Location of the wms server