Installing monitoring devices at every bridge, road crossing, or other feature of interest is not feasible or cost-effective. Therefore, the flood hazard inventory tool (FHIT) layer applies point data to features within an area, usually a basin.
Data Source¶
Synthetic Mean Areal Precipitation (MAP) stations are defined using a weighted average of actual precipitation stations in the area. Those stations actually located in the basin are more heavily weighted than a few that may be selected slightly outside the basin.
Synthetic Mean Areal Precipitation (MAP) stations, retrieved from the NovaStar database using Data Web services, are defined to represent the precipitation in an area. In addition, a secondary file contains features and their locations while a third file defines basins. A correlation is made between all features in a basin and the associated MAP station. The NovaScore from the MAP station is associated with all the features.
Because there may be so many features, it is recommended to use the cluster abilities of Operator. Circles represent a number of stations, indicated in the center of the circle. The ring around the outside of the circle indicates the percentage of features with the indicated NovaScore. For example, in the following image, of the 48 stations, approximately 1/4 - 1/3 of them have no NovaScore defined, whereas the remainder have a NovaScore of 1 (green).
Configuration And Technical Details¶
The FHIT layer uses the data-layer-geojson-fhit class.