Weather radar data, potentially both a single still image as well as looping images, may be available.
Looping images are 10 minutes apart. By default, a maximum of 10 chronologically sequential images are displayed resulting in 1.5 hours of historical radar data. This default value can be changed if more data is desired.
Hovering over the menu item reveals more detailed information aobut the time frame of the images.
The radar legend is displayed automatically when the layer is active:
Data Source¶
The source of the radar data is rainviewer.com
A single file contains the currently available timestamps of radar images. This file is available at https://tilecache.rainviewer.com/api/maps.json
Once the timestamps have been determied, the image for each timestamp is available at: https://tilecache.rainviewer.com/v2/radar/{timestamp}/256/{z}/{x}/{y}/5/1_1.png
The 10 most recent images are displayed when looping.
Configuration And Technical Details¶
The radar layer uses the data-layer-png-rainviewer class.