Station Summary
Station Summary provides a tabular view of all the stations and associated data. The columns in the summary are grouped by station identification on the left, past observations, current conditions, and forecasts. The availability of data to fill the table depends on data collection and third-party products such as weather forecasts.
Station Summary(see full-size image)
Below the Data Type column header is a Weather row including symbols indicating weather conditions at each point in time, i.e. the last week, the last day, etc. through next week's forecasted weather. Hovering over these icons displays detailed weather information.
Observed weather icons are determined using a combination of NovaStar gauges including a representative temperature and precipitation station. Weather forecast icons and information is retrieved from the National Weather Service.
Data Types¶
The following data types are displayed:
- rain (total for the interval)
- water level (maximum for interval)
- streamflow (maximum for interval)
- wind (maximum for interval)
Data displays provide context for whether conditions are becoming more or less severe.
Searchable and Sortable¶
Initially, stations with current alarms, denoted with an alarm icon in the Alarm Status column, are listed first. Hovering over the alarm icon displays a description of the alarm.
Triangular icons are located throughout the table header area. Clicking on an icon sorts the table based on the values in the selected column in ascending or descending order. Hovering over these icons will indicate the resulting action when clicked.
In particular, note the columns to the right of Data Type such as Last 15 Mins. The table can be sorted on any of these periods of record according to the data type selected in the Data Type pulldown. No immediate action will be taken upon selecting a data type. The sort occurs when the ascending or descending arrows are clicked.
The table is also searchable using the Global Filter located in the uppper right corner of the Station Summary page. Typing a name or station id in the filter will result in the table display showing only rows with a matching name or id.